ABOUT Flanagan Training Group
To educate, entertain, and encourage professionals toward greater success by enhancing the necessary skills and attitudes needed to achieve more meaningful results for themselves, their families, their clients, and their employers.
Learn, Laugh, Grow!
The FTG logo is adapted from the Traditional Flanagan Family Irish Coat of Arms. Over the ages, the Live Oak Tree has symbolized a multitude of meanings to a great many people. Among the more common characteristics are:

The Live Oak represents values in which we hold ourselves accountable and the ideals we strive for in all of our endeavors.

“You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent in the way you see yourself.”
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”
“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
History of Flanagan Training
FTG was founded on January 1, 2005 by Bryan Flanagan. Bryan has invested 46 years in sales, sales management, and sales education.
From June of 1970 through February of 1984, Bryan sold electric typewriters, office copiers, dictation equipment, and related supplies with the Office Products Divisions of IBM.
In 1979, he began a part-time speaking and training company “Accentuate the Positive.” He addressed college fraternities and sororities, small businesses, and conventions. That year he also joined the National Speakers Association and attended a national convention and several local chapter meetings
With a desire to enter the speaking and training industry full time, in 1983 he developed a presentation skills course for the Zig Ziglar Corporation in Dallas, Texas. In March of 1984, he joined the Ziglar Corporation as Director of Corporate Training. He served a variety of clients including pharmaceutical, insurance, financial services, manufacturing, automotive, oil and gas, banking, medical devices, trucking, transportation, and government accounts.
In 2005, he founded FTG, the focus of which is sales education and presentation skills. In the past 11 years, FTG has served clients in similar industries as mentioned above. The newest offerings have included more ‘coaching clients.” That is, both one on one sales and one on one presentation skills clients.
He has authored numerous training programs from personal growth to sales to presentation courses. He has published two books: in 2005, “Now, Go Sell Somebody Something” and 2011 “So, You’re New to Sales.”
Bryan has traveled the world creating and delivering these training programs. He understands the competitive world of corporate training.